Do you have any of these 5 spinal warning signs?
Do you have any of these 5 spinal warning signs?
1) Chronic headaches
Headaches can be a huge indicator that someone has a problem in their cervical spine (neck). There are many different types of headaches, but there a few types that stand out in relation to spinal health. These include migraine headaches, headaches that start in the back of the skull (occipital region), and headaches that have pain centers around the side of the head and jaw.A great many people who suffer from these headaches for months or years have a problem in their UCS (Upper Cervical Spine). This is the most important area of the entire spine, and misalignments in this region can disrupt proper blood flow to the head and face and also disrupt proper neural function throughout the body.
2) Popping and cracking of the spine:
Popping and cracking of the spine typically indicates that particular segments of a person’s spine have become unstable. When this happens, you are more at risk for serious injury and spinal degeneration can also occur in these areas at a markedly accelerated pace.
3) Anterior Head Syndrome
Anterior Head Syndrome occurs when the center of the ear has shifted in front of the center of the shoulder. This causes a loss of the healthy curvature of the spine, and often leads to spinal degeneration in the lower neck and upper back.Anterior Head Syndrome is frequently the culprit behind the dreaded Dowager’s (Granny) hump as well.Secondary Conditions associated with Anterior Head Syndrome include: Degenerative Disc and Joint Disease, Migraine Headaches, TMJD, Carpal Tunnel, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, muscle spasms, and many other conditions.
4) Numbness and tingling
If you are experiencing any numbness or tingling down the arms or the legs, this is a huge warning sign. You may be experiencing a spinal problem that has progressed to the point where the nerves branching off the spinal cord are being affected. Nerves are very important and are very fragile. It only takes small amounts of pressure on a nerve to create chaos in your body.
5) Uneven head or shoulders
If you look in the mirror and see your head tilted slightly to one side or the other, and one of your shoulders more elevated than the other, this is a very strong indicator that there is likely a problem with the Upper Cervical Spine.When you look in the mirror with your head relaxed, you should be able to draw a straight horizontal line through the following points:
Bottoms of the ears
Corners of the eyes
Corners of the mouth
Tops of the shoulders
The Upper Cervical Spine is where the skull attaches to the neck. It is the single most important area of the entire spine, and a problem here will affect the entire body.
If you have any of these spinal problems, do not wait for them to get better on their own! These are warning signs that your spine may be in trouble. The sooner these problems are detected and corrected, the better the outcome will be.
Dr. Sean Carey
Dr. Carey is the owner of Precision Chiropractic in Newburyport, MA where he focuses on a specific area in chiropractic called Structural BioCorrection. Dr. Carey offers complimentary consultations to individuals who are interested in learning more about his services.