Return to Spring!
The ice is thawing, green little threads sprout from the ground and birdsong weaves its way to you through the wintry air. Spring is about to spring!
It is near impossible not to get infected by the joyful spirit of the seasons changing, bringing with it thousands upon thousands of small changes, wonderful ones. Look out for and notice the first flower, knowing that the first butterfly who brings summer is a but a flutter away. Spring is about rebirth, and about transformation. This glorious demonstration about the passing of time also reminds us about its circular nature, which is bound to make us more accepting of it.
What better to get you into the groove of eternity than a round of springtime meditation? So sit yourself down by an open window, letting in the breeze and the tender rays of sun born in spring. Close your eyes and find a calm focus within you. Open them and take in your springtime surroundings, observing your environment. Shut your eyes and go back to the place of peace and focus. Repeat this until you can get there instinctively, without effort. The next time you shut your eyes, imagine yourself as a bird. Not any specific one, just imagine yourself as a being with quick flight. On your next breath in, bat your wings and make the bird of your mind take flight out of your window and in a circle up above the roof of your house. On the exhale, glide along the houses on your street, and on the inhale go up further. Go up above your town, above the fields and the forests around it, and above still, so far that you can’t see cars or people. The ground beneath you falling further away, the sky opening larger with every breath, you go up until you are in the clouds. Rest here and know that above these clouds it’s always clear, no matter the weather beneath them. And above these clouds there space, and above that more space still, infinite. And at the center of all this are you – the core from which all this comes; the birds, the earth and sky, even infinity. Stay here, knowing that even infinity changes and even change is impermanent. Let the bird go, now, and open your eyes. Spring will come and go, so will the other seasons. You can find eternity only in the moment, but there it can always be found.