Chiropractic Care for Yoga
Our goal at Precision Chiropractic in Salisbury is to provide the highest quality chiropractic care possible to you and your family.
Chiropractic Care for Yoga
Many of our patients also are heavily involved in yoga, some at the competition level. Yoga is an incredible practice, and brings wonderful benefits to the body, mind, and spirit.
Due to the emphasis that yoga places on balance and flexibility, your underlying structure is incredibly important. We have had many patients come in who were long time yoga practitioners, but still developed secondary conditions due to an undetected structural shift.
Regardless of whether or not you have secondary conditions, your performance suffers when you have a structural shift. Here’s a tip: If you practice yoga, and ever hear your spine ‘pop’ or ‘crunch’ while you are moving into different positions; it is extremely likely that you have a structural shift.
Our goal is to help you have a healthy spine for life. Instead of simply focusing on symptoms, Dr. Carey wants to make sure that the spine is strong and adaptable so that you can enjoy life to the fullest. You are only as young as your spine, and our spine has such an important role in our overall health and quality of life.