The Power of Habit

Over the years, I have become much more interested in the habits that people have. When I was younger (before I was ever exposed to chiropractic), I was a personal trainer at the University gym where I went to school. I was always interested in the newest supplement, the newest workout routine, or the newest exercise that I hoped would give me magical, amazing results.As I’ve matured, I’ve come to realize that the new ‘tricks’ never work quite as well as having the right foundation of habits. Whether it’s your health, finances, or relationships; it’s the little things that we do or don’t do every day that make the difference. I have conversations with people on a constant basis, in which they want to know why they have major spinal problems. The VAST majority of the time, it’s due to smaller and innocuous traumas that have accumulated over the years.We are in a constant war against gravity. It’s pushing down on us every second of every day, and when you have misalignments in your spine; the combined force of gravity and your body weight can lead to degeneration and major problems. Not only can we prevent major problems with the right care, but you will be healthier and happier throughout the whole process!A specific chiropractic adjustment built into your schedule every week, or every other week (depending on your need); is the single most powerful habit I know of for your health. Research has shown that those under regular chiropractic care take less medications, are able to move more easily, and have higher functioning immune systems than those who don’t get adjusted on a regular basis.It’s so easy, but you have to make it a HABIT!Dr. Sean


How you sleep is important!


Maleigha’s Story